Ido-English Dictionary : B

b: (mus.) ti: seventh note diatonic scale.
ba: (interj.) bah! poof! pshaw! — DEFRS
››baba‹‹: baba: French bun, plum-cake. — DeFRS
‹‹Babel››: (lit. and. fig.) Babel; -turmo: tower of B. — DEFIRS
babil-ar: (intr.) to babble, prattle (as infants); to chatter (as a magpie); to gossip, gabble, prate (of grown persons); -(ad)o: chit-chat, gossiping, trifling talk; -ero, -emo: babbler, tattler, chatter-box; -era, -ema: talkative, loquacious; -ajo: a matter of gossip; -acho: busy-body. — DEF
babuch-o: babouche: Turkish heel-less slipper. — DEFIRS
babuin-o: baboon (Cynocephalus Babuin). — DeFIRS
bacheler-o: bachelor (of a university); -eso: bachelorship, b. degree; -o pre cienco: b. of science: -o-kandidato: aspirant, candidate for the b. degree; (cf. celibulo). Def.: l'unesma (minim alta) universitatala grado; III-72. — DEFIRS
bacil-o: bacillus; -ala, -atra, -forma: bacillary, bacilliform. — DEFIRS
badern-o: (nav.) paunch-matting, chafing-mat, thrummed mat. — FIS
badlan-o, -i: (bot.) star or Chinese aniseed; -iero: badian: aniseed tree (Illicium anisatum). — DEFRS
badijon-ar: (tr.) to badigeon; -ivo: badigeon: a cement or distemper paste of powdered stone and plaster. — eF
bagaj-o: baggage, luggage; -vagono: b. car; bilieto di -o: ticket for b.; depoz-eyo di- -o: b. room; manu- -o: hand b.; -uyo: holder, boot (of a carriage); enskribeyo di -o: b. check-room; portisto di -i: b. porter. — DEFIRS
bagatel-o: bagatelle, trifle, trash, bauble; -verko: literary trifle. DeFIS
bagn-o: bagnio: convict hulk or prison; -ano: galley-slave, -convict. — DeFIS
bak-ar: (tr.) to bake (dry heat); freshe, nove, heme -ita: fresh, newly, home baked; -o-forno: b. oven. — DE
Bak-o: Bacchus; -ala: Bacchic; -an-ino: bacchante; -ano: a follower of B. — DEFIRS
bakanal-o: (lit. and fig.) bacchanalia: a drunken feast or revel. — DEFIRS
bakteri-o: bacterium; -ala, -atra: bacterial; -ocid-ivo: bactericide. — DEFIRS
bakteriologi-o: bacteriology; -isto: bacteriologist. — DEFIRS
balo: ball (dance); mask- -o: masked b.; puer- -o: children's dance; travesti- -o: fancy (dressed) ball; -chambro: ball-room; -shui: pumps; -acho: public-house dance, shindy. — DEFIRS
balad-o: ballad, ballade: epic dance and song. — DEFIRS
balanc-o: balance: scales; -o Romana: steelyard; letro- -o: letter-scale; tordo- -o: torsion b.; ponderar per -o: to weigh by a b. — DEFIRS
balancier-o: (of machines) a balancing body; fly-wheel; gimbals (of a compass). Def.: Maso (generale roto-forma) qua ocilas cirkum sua baricentro per risorto; II-641. — DeFIRS
balas-rubin-o: a balas ruby. — DEFIRS
balast-o: ballast (for railways, ships); -eyo: b. space; -izar: to b.; sen- -igar; des- -izar: to unb. — DEFRS
balay-ar: (tr.) to sweep; -ilo: a broom; -il-eto: brush; -aji: sweepings; mancho-, shafto di -ilo: broom handle; fac-isto di -ili: b. maker; strado- -isto: street-sweeper (vehicle). — F
balbut-ar: (tr., intr.) to stutter, stammer (from emotion); to lisp (as an infant); to boggle; hem and haw, to hesitate in reading and reciting; (cf. barbuliar). V. exp.: vid. stoterar. — FIS
bald-e: soon, ere long, shortly; -a: which will soon take place; til -e: (fig.) goodbye for the moment; tam -e kam: as soon as; esos -e du kloki: it is near two o'clock. Ex.: Ni venis maxim balde posible. Ni departos balde. — D
baldakin-o: baldachin: tester (of a bed); canopy (of a throne, altar, etc.); lito kun -o: bed with canopy. — DEFIRS
baldri-o: baldric, shoulder belt (for sword, etc.). — DEFI
balen-o: whale; -yuno: young w.; -pesk-isto: whaler; -o-navo: w.-ship; -kanoto: w. boat; -oleo: w. oil. — FISL
balet-o: ballet; -ist-ino: b. dancer. — DEFIRS
balif-o: bailiff: a judicial functionary. — EFIS
balis-o: (nav.) sea-mark, buoy, beacon; (cf. boyo); (land) signal-pole (on R.R. or towpath); -eto: (surveyor's) ranging rod; -izar: to buoy, erect beacons. — FS
balist-o: ballista: a war machine. — DEFIRS
balistik-o: ballistics. — DEFIRS
balkon-o: (arch.) balcony; (nav.) stern gallery (of a ship); fenestro kun -o: window with b. — DEFIRS
baln-ar: (tr.) to bath, bathe, lave; -uyo: bath (receptacle); -ala: bathing; -eyo: bathing place; -anto, -ero, -isto: bather, bath-keeper; -o-kuvo: b. tub; -o-mantelo: b. robe; -o-aquo: bath water; -o-kalsono: bathing-drawers; pedo-o: foot-b.; sedo- -o: hip-b.; mar- -o: sea-bathing; maria- -o: (chem.) water-bath; -o-chambro: b. room; -o-terapio: b. therapeutics; term-ala -i: thermal b.s. — DeFIRS
balon-o: ball or sphere filled with air; -eto: small ball (as for tennis, etc.); -o, -ego: air-balloon (For technical terms cf. IV-330-1). — V. exp.: Sfero esas la geometrial, abstraktita figuro. Bulo e globo konkreta materiala sfero. On uzas bulo precipue por la ludi (bulo di biliardo, di kegoludo), e globo precipue por la cienci (la tera globo, sive reala, sive reprezentata per kartona globo). Buleto esas uzata sive por la infantala ludo, sive en la tekniko (rulo sur buleti). Kuglo esas rezervata a la projektili di pafilo (fusili, pistoli, e.c.) qui en nia tempo neplus esas sfera o sferatra. Kuglego esas projektilo di kanono. Balono esas globo o bulo kava, mola, plena de aero (kompresita) e konseque elastika, por ludar. Baloneto esas la Angla »ball« por ludar. Balonego esas la vulgara nomo di la (sferata) aerostati (plena de gaso). On povas nomar li simple baloni, kande nula ambigueso esas posibla; III-99. — DEFIRS
balot-ar: (tr.) to elect (ulu) by second ballot, -o: second-ballot (in Europe; necessary when no candidate has obtained an absolute majority). -voto: vote by ballot. — DEFIRS
balote-ar: (intr., med. and gen.) to wabble, shake, tremble, quiver (pro). Def.: La vulgara senco di ica vorto expresas la movo ocilanta o tremanta di maso solida, ma elastika o viskoza (quale gelatino). IV-516. Ex.: Lua karno baloteas pro la shoko. — FIS
balustr-o: baluster: upright support for railing. Def.: Mikra pilastro faasonita. — DEFIRS
balustrad-o: balustrade, railing, (cf. pasamano). Def.: Rango formacita ek balustri, generale horizontala. — DEFIRS
balzam-o: balsam: fragrant resin used as medicine; (fig.) balm, consolation; -ala, -oza: balsamic; balmy (odour, air, etc.); -iero: (genus) balsamodendron; -izar: to embalm (a body); -iz-ero, -isto: embalmer; pektoral -o: pectoral b.; -o di Gilead: balm of Gilead. — DEFIRS
balzamin-o: (bot) garden balsam (Impatiens balsamina). — DEFIRS
bambu-o: (bot.) bamboo. — DEFIRS
banan-o: (fruit) banana; -iero: b. tree (Musa sapientum). — DEFIRS
band-o: band (group), company, crew; (of fish) shoal; -acho: gang, clique; -o de furtisti: b. of robbers; rapt- -o: b. of brigands; haringo- -o: shoal of herrings. — DEFIRS
bandaj-o: (surg.) bandage; truss; (of a wheel) tire; -izar: to bandage; put a tire on; herniala -o: truss for rupture; menton- -o: chin-b. — DEFIRS
bande-ar: (intr. nav.) to have a list, be lopsided; -igar: to cause to list; -o: listing. — FIS
banderol-o: pennant, streamer, banderole. Def.: Bendo longa ek stofo, qua flotacas en l'aero; finas ofte per du pinti; en pikturi, portas surskriburi; II-708. — DeFIRS
bandit-o: bandit; -eso, -ismo: (state, system) banditism. — DEFIRS
bandolier-o: bandolier: cross-, shoulder-belt. Def.: Rimeno o sharpo pozita sur un shultro e suportanta ula kozo (ex. espado) sur l'altra latero, do pasanta oblique sur la korpo; II-708. — DEFIRS
baner-o: banner (as used by societies, orders); -ala fronto: (fig.) front line of battle, in battle array. Def.: Speco di rektangula insigno (en stofo) fixigita per horizontal latero a stango di sama longeso, qua pendas per du kordi de la stango per qua on portas la insigno; III-31. — DEFIS
bank-o: (fin.) bank; -isto: banker; -o-bilieto: b. note; -o-aciono: bank share, -stock; emiso- -o: b. of issue; -o di diskonto: discount bank. — DEFIRS
bankrot-ar: (intr.) to be (or become) bankrupt; -igar: to bankrupt: cause bankruptcy to: -o: bankruptcy; -into,-ero: a bankrupt; (cf. ne-solventa). Note: this word implies something disgraceful or criminal; cf. faliar. — DEFIRS
baobob-o: (bot.) baobab (Adansonia digitata). — DEFIRS
bapt-ar: (tr.) to baptize; -o-fili-(ul)o: godson, godchild; -o-matro, -o-patrino: godmother; -o-patrulo: godfather; -o-nomo: Christian name, first name; -ala vasko, kuvo: baptismal font, tank; -eyo: baptistery, place for baptism. — EFIS
bar-ar: (tr.) to bar to stop up (a way, a door, etc.); -o-stango, -o-trabo: a bar (of wood or metal as for doors, windows); -ilo: barrier (in general); -il(o) -gardisto: gate-keeper; strado- -ilo: street barrier; (fig.) toll-gate; -ilo kontre-epidemia: sanitary cordon; turn- -ilo: turnstile, (surg.) tourniquet. — DEFIRS
baro-flux-o: bore, eger, eddy-tide. Def.: Granda mar-ondo avane precipitanta, qua avancas ad-monte en ula estuarii; IV-452.
barak-o: shed, hut; temporary wooden building to shelter soldiers, fishermen, etc.; booth, covered stall (in a fair); -o di jonglisto: juggler's booth. — DeFIRS
barakan-o: barracan: a camel's hair fabric. — DEFIRS
barakt-ar: (intr.) to struggle: strive to get away, writhe, strive (kontre); (cf. luktar). Ex.: La kaptata fisho baraktas en l'aquo. Baraktar per manui e pedi. (fig.) La sovaji ne forte baraktas kontre la morto. — R
baratri-o: (nav.) barratry. Def.: Fraudo da la kapitano o navestro kontre armatori od asekuristi; II-75. — DEFIRS
barb-o: beard: hair on the chin, lips and cheeks of men and animals; -oza: bearded; -isto: barber; -o- -pinselo: shaving brush; vango- -o: whiskers; menton- -o: chin -b.; labio- -o: mustache; blonda -o: blond b.; -o du-dia: a two-day b.; griz- -(ul)o: grey b.; kapro- -o: billy-goat b.; portar -o: to wear a b.; lanug- -o: down (on the face); -o nivatra, nivea: a snow-white b.; sen- -a: beardless. — DEFIRS
barbakan-o: (arch.) barbican; loop-hole; escape-hole (in retaining wall for water). — DEFIS
barbar-a, -(ul)o: barbarian; -atra: barbarous; in a b. manner; -eso: (state) barbarism; -ismo: (linguistic) barbarism; -igar: to barbarize. — DEFIRS
barbel-o: (ich.) barbel (Barbus). — DEFIRS
barbot-ar: (intr.) to dabble, paddle, splash, flounder about (in mud or water). — FIS
barbuli-ar: (tr.) to sputter, splutter, mumble;(cf. balbutar). Def.: Parolar iro rapide e konseque neklare e konfuze, nekompreneble; III-6. — FIS
bard-o: bard (poet). — DEFIS
bardan-o: (bot.) burdock (Lappa). — FIS
barej-o: (fabrik) barege; silka -o: grenadine (fabric). — DEFIRS
barel-o: barrel, cask; -eto: small keg; -ego: hogshead, tun; -ifar: to cooper; en- -igar: to barrel (ulo); vendar -ope: to sell by the b.; cherpar de la -o: to draw off from the b.; fish- -o: fish-b.; -o-boko: bung (-hole); -o-robineto: faucet, tap of a b.; vin- -o: barrel for wine; -o de vino: b. of wine. — DEFIS
bari-o*: (chem.) barium. — DEFIS
baricentr-o*: center of gravity. — FIS
barikad-o: barricade; inkluzar su per -o: to b. oneself; obstruktar per -o, -e klozar, -izar: to b. — DEFIRS
barit-o*: (chem.) baryta. — DEFIRS
bariton-o: baritone; -voco: b. voice. — DEFIRS
bark-o: bark: small boat as wherry, punt, skiff. Def.: Mikra kanoto senmasta, movanta per remili, e ne generale uzata in maral aqui; (mitol.) la paromo di C(h)aron en la rivero Styx. — DEFIRS
barkarol-o: barcarolle: (Venetian) boat song. — DeFIRS
barkas-o: long-boat, launch (of a war-ship). — DFIRS
barograf-o: barograph. — DEFIRS
barok-a: odd, queer-looking, uncouth, baroque, bizarre; ill-shped, distorted (of pearls); -eso: oddness; -ajo: an oddity. Def.: Qua havas aspekto nereguloza o stranja (ex. perlo, stilo); IV-2. — DeFIS
barometr-o: barometer. — DEFIRS
baron-(ul)o: baron; -ino: baroness; -eso: (rank, dignity) barony; -aro: (collect.) baronage; -io: (domain) barony. — DEFIRS
baroskop-o: baroscope. — DEFIRS
barsh-o: (ich.) umbrina. — DFI
bart-o: whalebone; -izar: to stiffen, fit with w. — D
basa: (of dimensions, also pressure, sound) low (cf. alta); -igar: to make low: shorten the height of (cf. abasar); to lower (in tone, in pressure); -e: below (cf. infre); -o, -ajo, -parto: the lowers part; (mus.) bass; -eskar: to decline, wane, begin to droop, drop; spekular pri la bas-igo: (fin.) to bear stocks, speculate for a fall; -ig-isto: (fin.) bear operator; -voco: bass (voice); -reliefo: bass-relief; -voco infra: counter-bass; -ranga, -origina, -klasa: lowly, humble; -Germana: low German (dialect). V. exp.: vid. alta. Ant.: alta.
basament-o: (arch.) basement. V. exp.: Ne konfunenda kun fundamento: basamento esas l'infra parto (bazo) videbla di edifico, qua jacas sur la fundamento; III-670. — DEFIS
basen-o: (dock, river, water-works) basin; (geog.) valley, hollow; (dish) deep, wide pan; baln-o -o: wash-b.; fish- -o: fish-pond; pulver- -o: pan (of a flint-lock). — DEFIRS
bask-o: flap, skirt, tail (of a garment); -o-robo: (garment) basquine. — eFS
baskul-ar: (intr.) to see-saw: sway up and down; -igar: to make s.s., to rock back and forward; -ilo: a see-saw; swing (for play); rocker (of a chiar); sweep (of a well); (tech.) rocking lever; -charioto, -veturo: dump-cart; tumbril-cart (for the condemned); -stulo: rocking chair; lev-ponto kun -ilo: draw-bridge with plyer, bascule bridge. Def.: Baskulilo en teknikal mekaniko esas levero, qua ne ocilas spontane (pro sua propra pezo), ma falas de un pozeso ad altra, sub influo di pezo o forco e ne rivenas a l'antea pozeso se altra (kontrea) pezo o forco ne agas; III-72. — DeFS
bason-o: (mus. instr.) bassoon. — DEFIS
basot-o: dachshund, basset-hound. Def.: Hundo karakterizata da gambi tre kurta e tordita; VI-604. — eFIS
bast-o: (bot.) bast, fiber: inner fibrous bark. — DE
bastard-a, -o: bastard, illegitimate (of children); mongrel (of animals); hybrid (of animals, plants, etc.). — DEFIRS
basting-o: (nav.) quarter-netting, waist-cloth; -izar: to rig the boarding-nettings. — FI
bastion-o: (fort.) bastion. — DEFIRS
baston-o: stick, staff, cane, cudgel; -eto: baton; -agar, -batar: to cudgel, cane; -ago, -bato: beating, bastinade; -skerm-isto: cudgel-player; biliard- -o: billiard cue; espad- -o: sword-cane; komando- -o: staff, baton of command; pesko- -o: fishing pole; tambur- -o: drum-stick; -ifar: to make sticks, canes. — DeFIRS
bat-ar: (tr.) to beat: strike repeatedly (ulu, ulo); -(ad)o: beating, striking, drubbing; -anto, -ero, -emo: beater (person); -ilo: beater (instr.); -ita: beaten; (dispute) inter-batar, batar reciproke: fight, quarrel, exchange of blows; -ar la pedo: to beat (the soles of) the feet; -ar per vergo: to strike with a ferule; -ar sur la glutei: to beat on the buttocks; -ar per l'ali: to beat the wings; pulso -o: beat of the pulse. V, exp. Frapar, batar: Frapar esas la plu general termino: ol aplikesas ad omna shoko, korpala o mentala: »Me frapas me kontre la muro; on frapis la pordo; to frapis mea okuli, mea atenco, mea spirito«. Batar esas donar ad ulu od ulo plura frapi sucedante, generale per utensilo: ad ulu, por dolorigar lu; ad ulo por netigar ol (batar sidili, tapisi). Bato esas do esnce volata e duranta ago, sempre korpala; III-349. — DEFIS
batali-ar*: (intr.) to (give) battle; -o: battle (between armies); -agro: battlefield; (cf. kombatar, militar). — DEFIRS
batalion-o: (milit.) battalion, — DEFIRS
batel-o: launch, barge, lighter; boat(s) (in general); -eto: small boat, skiff; -edo: boatful; -isto: boatman; -estro: boat-captain; -ponto: bridge of b.s; drag- -o: dredger; exkurs- -o: excursion b.; fish- -o: fishing b.; kanal- -o: canal-b.; karbon- -o: coal-b.; -o de karbono: boat filled with coal; pilot- -o: pilot-b.; rem- -o: row-boat; seglo- -o: sail-b. Def.: General nomo donita ad omnaspeca naveti, ma precipue a naveti di pasable granda dimensioni, quale gabari, e.c. — DFIS
bateri-o: (milit., elec.) battery. — DEFIRS
batist-o: battiste: cambric; -a naztuko: c. pocket-handkerchief. — DeFIRS
batrak-o: (zool.) batrachian. — DEFIS
bav-ar: (intr.) to slobber, drool, slaver; -o-tuko: bib. V. exp.: Bavar esas lasar fluar la salivo ek la boko. Do bavajo esas nur salivo ekfluanta (on povas anke bavar snago, e.c.). — FIS
bay-o: bay (cf. golfo). — DEFIRS bayader-o: bayadere: East-Indian dancing-girl. — DEFIRS
bayonet-o: bayonet; espado- -o: sword-b.; prizentar la -o: to bring the b. to a charge; -agar: to b. (ulu), to use the b.; skermar per la -o: to fence with the b. — DEFIRS
baz-o: base: lowest part of anything, foundation, bottom, foot; (fig.) basis, foundation, grounds; (chem.) base; -ala, -atra: basal, basic; -ajo: something which is basic; basement; -lineo: (math.) base-line; arko- -o: springing (of an arch); sen- -a: baseless; -o-krusto: (cook.) under crust; Ex.: La bazo di monto, di piedestalo, di triangulo, di sistemo, di yusteso, di metalo. — DEFIRS
bazalt-o: (geol.) basalt. — DEFIRS
bazar-o: baza(a)r. — DEFIRS
bazil-o: (bot.) sweet-basil (Ocimum basilicum). — DEFIRS
bazilik-o: (arch.) basilica. — DEFIRS
bazilik-veino: (anat.) basilic vein. — DEF
bazilisk-o: (myth., zool.) basilisk. — DEFI
be-ar: (intr.) to open the mouth, to gape (fig.) to yawn; spektadar -ante: to look gapingly. Def.: Apertar la boko, anke en figurala senco »beanta truo«; III-386. — F
beat-a: blissful, blessed; (iron.) sanctimonious; -eso: (state) bliss; (rel.) beatitude. — DeFIRSL
beatifik-ar*: (tr., Cath., rel.) to beatify. — DEFIRS
bechik-a: (med.) bechic, pectoral: cough relieving. — eFIS
bed-o: (agri., hort.) bed; floro- -o: flower-b.; sterko- -o: hot bed, forcing-bed; gazon- -o: grass--plot. — DE
bedel-o: beadle: apparitor; usher. Def.: La nomo di ta qua preiras o sequas la procesioni (generale religiala); VII-43. — DEFIRS
Beduin(ul)o: a Bedouin. — DEFIRS
begin-o: beguine: a kind of nun in the Netherlands; -kofio: b. cap. — DeFIRS
begoni-o: (bot.) begonia. — DEFIRS
bek-o: beak: bill of a bird; (tech.) beak, spout (of a vessel); -edo: a beakful; -agar, -pikar: to peck (at); -agado: pecking; -agar reciproke: to peck at each other; -forma: beak formed; en- -igar, -nutrar: to feed (young birds, etc.). — EFIS
bekafik-o: (orni.) beccafico, garden warbler, fig-eater (Sylvia hortensis). — DEFIS
bekas-o: (orni.) woodcock (Scolopax rusticola); -eto: snipe (Scolopax gallinula). — DEFIRS
bel-a: beautiful, fine, handsome; -eta, -ata: pretty, rather handsome; -(ul)o: a handsome person; -ete: prettily; -ino: a belle; -ajo: a b. object; -eso: (quality) beauty; -et- -eso: prettiness; -acho: fop, cox-comb, insipid beauty; -igar: to beautify, embellish; -eskar: to become, grow b.; -a stroko: a lucky, fine stroke, hit or happening; lo bela: The Beautiful. Ant.: leda
beladon-o: (bot., med.) belladonna (Atropa belladona). — DEFIRS
belemnit-o: (fossil.) belemnite. — DEFIRS
belveder-o: (arch.) belvedere. DEFIR
bemol-o*: (mus.) flat. — FIRS
bend-o: bank: long, narrow piece of cloth, paper, metal, etc., strip, stripe, streak; fillet (for head), (hat) band; -izar: to bind up, place a band on; sen- -igar: to take off the band, unband; agro- -o: a strip of field; bordo- -o: piping, welt (of cloth); ledro- -o: strip, slip, band of leather; plat- -o: (arch.) platband; -o-segilo: b. saw; (cf. strio). Def.: Surfaco limitizita per du linei paralela; IV - 463. Ex. La standardo di Usa kontenas bendi (alterne reda, blanka), ne strii. — DeFIRS
»benedicite«: grace (before meals). — DFIS
benedik-ar: (tr.) to bless, pronounce a benediction on. — DEFIS
benediktan-o*: Benedictine (monk or nun); kuvento di -i: B. convent. — DEFIRS
benefic-o: (eccl.) benefice, living; reprezento- -o: (theat.) benefit performance (where the proceeds are given to some particular person or purpose); -iero: beneficiary: holder of a benfice; recipient of the profits from a benefit performance. — DEFIRS
Bengal-ucel-o*: (orni.) Bengal finch.
benigna: benign: kind, morally good; mild (of medicines, diseases). — DEFIS
benk-o: bench, long seat, settle, form; (in boats) thwart; -o-veturo: wagonette: wagon with long sets. Def.: Sidilo longa (ligna ex.) kun o sen dors-apogilo; II-647. — DEFIRS
benzin-o: benzine, benzene; -motoro: b. motor. — DEFIRS
benzo-o: (bot.) benzoin; resin from the tree Styrax benzoin. — DEFIRS
benzoat-o*: benzoate (a salt); -acido: aenzoic acid. — DEF
benzol-o*: benzol(e). — DEFIRS
bequadr-o*: (mus.) natural. — FIRS
ber-o: berry; -atra: bacciform, berry-like; -port-anta, -if-anta: bacciferous, berry producing; vit- -o: grape; sika vit- -o: raisin; frangul- -o: alder-berry; muskat- -o: muscatel grapes. — DE
Berberi-a, -ala: of, relating to Barbary; Berber-o: a Berber. — DEFIRS
berberis-o: (bot.) barberry, berberry, (fruit); -iero: b. bush (Berberis vulgaris). — DEFIRS
bered-o*: beret: round, flat cap such as worn by Basque peasants. — DEFIR
berenjen-o: (bot.) aubergine, mad-apple, egg-plant (Solanum Melongene). — FS
bergamot-o, -oranjo: bergamot pear, -orange; -iero: b. tree; (Citrus Bargamia, Bergamota); -esenco: essence of b. — DEFIRS
beril-o: (min) beryl. — DEFIRS
berjer-o: cushioned arm-chair. — DFR
berlin-o: berlin: a kind of coach. — DeFIRS
berlok-o: trinket, charm (such as attached to watch chains). — DFIR
berm-o: (fort. and gen.) berme: narrow shelf. Def.: Parto horizontal en taluso. — DeFRS
bernakl-o: (orni.) bernicle-goose (Branta bernicla). — DEFIS
bers-ar: (tr.) to rock (a child); -(ant)e dormigar: to lull to sleep; -ilo: cradle; -o-kanto: lullaby, cradle-song. — F
bes: (mus.) B flat.
besti-o: beast, any animal except man, (cf. animalo, bruto) -ala, -atra: bestial; -al-eso: bestiality (cf. brut-al-eso); -aro: fauna, beasts (collect.); -ala debocho: bestial debauchery; kargo- -o: b. of burden; tir- -o: draught animal; -o-edukado: rearing of animals; -o-kapt-isto: trapper; -o-kulto: zoolatry, animal worship; -o-trupo: herd, drove, flock. — DEFIRS
bestiari-o*: (rom. antiq.) bestiarius: person doomed to fight with wild beasts. — DeFIR
bet-o: (bot.) beet (genus: Beta); (cf. betravo). — DEFIS
betel-o: betel (Piper betle); -ajo: betel: a masticatory. — DEFIRS
beton-o: beton: concrete; -izar: to cover with c.; -(iz)ajo: object covered with c.; -o fer-izita: reinforced c.; -a masonuro: c. masonry. — DeFIRS
betoni-o*: (bot.) betony (Betonica officinalis). — DEFIS
betrav-o: beetroot, beet (edible: Beta Rapa); (cf. beto). — FS
bezig-o: bezique; a card game. — DEFIS
bezoar-o: bezoar. — DEFR
bezon-ar: (tr.) to need; be in want of something necessary; -o: need; -ata: needed, wanted; ne plus -ar: to have no further need of, use for; -ar dormar: to need to sleep; en kazo di -o: in case of n.: if n. be, if needful; ocito-, rido- -o: to have an inclination to yawn, laugh; sen- -a: unneeded; -ar pekunio: to n. money; la bezoni publika: the public necessities (or requirements); la -i korpala: the bodily needs; la -i di la anmo: the needs of the soul; (cf. indijar, mankar). — FI
bibl-o: Bible; -ala: Biblical; -o-citajo: passage from the B.; -experta: versed in the B. — DEFIRS
bibliofil-o: bibliophile: book-lover. — DEFIRS
bibliografi-o: bibliography; -isto: bibliographer. — DEFIRS
bibliomani-o: bibliomania; -iko: bibliomaniac. — DEFIRS
bibliotek-o: (ediface) library; (furniture) book-case; (cf. libr-aro); -isto: librarian; -o publika: public l.; -o vitrizita: glassed book-case; planko di -o: book shelf. — DEFIRS
biceps-o*: (anat.) biceps. — DEFIS
bicikl-o: bicycle; -ego: a large b.; the old-fashioned, high b.; -isto, -ero: cyclist; viral-, mulieral- -o: a man's. a woman's b.; -irar: to bicycle. — DEFIRS
bi-denta: (anat.) bidentate; two-toothed.
bidet-o: (furniture) bidet; a kind of Sitz bath. — DeFIRS
bidon-o: can (for oil etc.) (milit.) canteen. Def.: Ladovazo klozita por oleo, petrolo, benzino, e.c. qua kontenas de un til 10 litri; gurdatra kontenilo ek lado, quan la soldato portas. (III—198.) — FIRS
biel-o: (mach.) connecting-, side-rod; kuplo- -o: coupling-rod; -kapo: cross-head. Def.: Stango qua ligas un peco ad altra, generale, stango di pistono a manivelo, e transformas movo rektolinea a movo rotaca. II—641. — FIS
bifsteko: beefsteak. — DEFIRS
bifurk-ar: (tr. intr.) to bifurcate, branch off (from), fork (ek, kun) -o, -eyo: bifurcation, crotch (of a tree); -ilo: (R.R.) point, switch; -o-stationo: R. R. junction; -eyo, -o-voyo: junction of two roads; -anta: forked. — DEFIS
bigam-a: bigamous; -eso: bigamy; -(ul)o: bigamist. — DEFIRS
bigot-a: bigoted; -(ul)o: a b.; -eso: bigotry; -esar: to be b. — DEFI
bi-kap-a: bicephalous; two-headed.
bi-kolor-a: bi-colored.
bi-konkav-a: bi-concave.
bi-korn-a: bi-cornous: two horned; -a chapelo: bicornered hat.
bi-kotiledon-o, -a: dicotyledon(ous).
bikursal-a*: (math.) bicursal. — DEFI
bikuspid-a (dento): bicuspid. — DEFIS
bil-o: bile, gall (fluid); -ala vaskuli: b. ducts; -o-veziko: gall-bladder; -oza: bilious; -kalkolo: gallstone. — DEFIS
bilanc-o: (com. fin.) balance, balance-sheet; facar- -o di: to b., draw a b. of (an account). — DEFIRS
bi-later-a: bi-lateral.
bilkoket-o: cup and ball (used in a game). — DFIR
bilg-o: (nav.) bilge, lower part of a hold, well. — DE
biliard-o: (game) billiards; -eyo: b. hall or room; -o-bastono: b. cue; -o-tablo: b. table; -o-bulo: b. ball. — DEFIRS
biliet-o: a written order or ticket; banko- -o: bank-note; teatro- -o: theater ticket; fervoyala -o: railway-ticket; -o kun retro-veno: return trip ticket; komercala -i: commercial paper: notes in hand, promissory notes, bills of exchange; lojo- -o: (milit.) official requisition on a person for lodging; lojio- -o: box ticket (theater); gratuita -o: free-pass; kontrol- -o: check (theater). — DeFIRS
bi-lingu-a: bilingual.
bilion-o: billion: a million millions: (1,000,000,000,000) N. B. not as in U.S.: a thousand millions. — DEFIRS
bi-lob-a: (bot.) bilobate.
bi-lorn-eto: opera-glass, (double) field-glass.
bi-manu-a: (zool.) bimanous; bimanual.
bi-metal-ismo: bimetalism; -a, -ala: bimetallic.
binar-a: (math., mus., chem.) binary. — DEFIS
bind-ar: (tr.) to bind (books); -(ad)o: binding (act); -uro: binding (result); -isto: book-binder; ne- -ita: unbound; karton- -ar: to bind in boards; ledro- -uro: leather binding. — DE
binet-o: (garden-) hoe; -agar: to hoe. — FS
binokl-o: double eye-glass; -(if)isto: eye-glass maker, optician; naz- -o: nose-glasses; orel- -o: spectacles; manu- -o: glasses with handle; etuyo di -o: case for eye-glasses. Def.: Du okulvitri solidara. V—I. — DEFIRS
binokular-a: (opt.) binocular. — DEFIRS
binomi-o, -ala: (math.) binomial. — DEFIRS
biodinamik-o*: biodynamics. — DEFIRS
biogenez-o*: biogenesis. — DE
biografi-o: biography; -ala: biographical; -ero, -isto: biographer. — DEFIRS
biokemi-o*: biochemistry. — DEFIRS
biologi-o: biology; -isto: biologist. — DEFIRS
bi-ped-a, -o: biped.
bi-plan-o: (aeron.) biplane.
bi-punto: (print.) colon.
bi-quadrat-a: (math.) biquadratic.
bir-o: beer; -ifar: to brew; -if-erio: brewery; -if-isto: brewer; -(vend)-erio: beer selling establ.; -o-glaso: beer glass; glaso de -o: a glass of beer. — DEFI
bi-refrakt-ar: (intr.) to be birefracting, birefringent.
birem-o: bireme. — DEFIRS
biret-o: biretta: R. C. ecclesiastic square cap; kardinal- -o: cardinal's b. — DEFIRS
birk-o: birch-tree (genus: Betula); -o-ligno: b. wood. — DE
bis: twice, (in theaters) encore! repeat! klamar bis: to encore; (repetition of numbers); No. 3 bis: No. 3 twice or again; bis: (mus.) B sharp. — DFIRS
bis-o: (fabric, zool., bot.) byssus. — DEFIRS
bi-sak-o: (beggar's) double-wallet, -pouch.
bi-sek-ar: (tr.) to bisect (geom.)
bisextil-a: bisextile; -a yaro: leap-year. — DEFIS
bi-sexu-a: bisexual.
bi-sid-ilo: seat for two persons, small sofa.
bi-silab-a: dissyllabic.
bisk-o: bisk (soup). — DEF
biskot-o: rusk, zwieback. Def.: Loncho de pano rostita o grilita; III—633. — FIS
bismut-o: bismuth. — DEFIRS
bisquit-o: (U. S.) cracker; (England) biscuit; -if-erio: cracker bakery; -o navala: hardtack. — DEFIRS
bistr-a, -o: bistre: a dark-brown pigment. — DEFR
bisturi-o: (surg.) bistoury. — DEFIRS
bit-o: (nav.) bitt. — DEFIRS
bitr-a: (lit. and fig.) bitter: hot and acid; sharp, poignant; biting; acrimonious; -eso: bitterness; -ajo: a b. thing; -igar: to make (ulo) bitter; (fig.) to embitter; absinto esas -a: absinth (wormwood) is bitter; -e plorar: to cry bitterly; reprocho -a: sharp, severe reproach; -a mandeli bitter almonds; -a quale bilo: a b. as gall. Ant. sukra, dolc-ega. — DE
bitum-o: bitumen; (cf. asfalto). — DEFIRS
bivak-ar: (intr.) to bivouac; -eyo: a b. (place). V. exp.: Bivakar esas kampar sen tendi, sub la cielo (generale cirkum fairi), nun por un nokto; II—645. — DEFIRS
bi-valv-a, -o: bivalve.
bizanc-ala, -atra, -ana: diletante (in discussion); -ano: quibbler. Def.:Qua prizas perdar sua tempo en diskutar subtilaji neutila; IV—258. — F
bizantin-a: (fig.) Byzantine. — DEFIRS
bizel-o: (carp.) beveled-edge, feather-edge, chamfer; -izar: to bevel; -izita: beveled; -izo, -uro: beveling; -iz-ilo: a bevel. Def.: Bordo (di planko, cizelilo, e.c.) tranchita oblique. — FS
bizon-o: (zool.) bison (Bos americanus). — DEFIRS
blam-ar: (tr.) to blame, find fault with, reprobate, disapprove the actions or conduct of (ulo, pri, pro). V. exp.: vid. reprochar Ant.: laudar. — DEFIS
blank-a: white; (fig.) blank: not written or printed on (page, etc.), -o, -ulo, -ino: a white person; -eso: whiteness; -ajo: a white object; -atra: whitish; -igar: to whiten, to bleach (clothes): -eskar: to become or turn white; -e vestizita: dressed in white; -a signaturo: signature in blank; -a-hara: white haired; Ant.: nigra. — DeFIRS
blasfem-ar: (tr.) to blaspheme, swear; (cf. maledikar); -o: blasphemy, oath. — DEFIS
blastem-o*: (biol.) blastema. — DEF
blat-o: cockroach (Blatta.) — DFI
blaz-ar: (tr.) to blunt, pall, cloy, sicken (ulu, pri ulo); -esar: to be palled, surfeited; ecesi -as la gusto: excesses pall the taste; forta liquori -as la palato: strong liquors blunt the sensibilities of the palate; il blazesis da la kustumo di indulgo: habitual indulgence made him blase. — DeF
blazon-o: blazon: coat of arms, armorial bearing; -arto: heraldry; -ala: heraldic; -libro: book of hearaldry; -izar: to put armorial bearings on; interpretar -o: to explain a blazon. — DeFIS
blendo: (min.) blende: sulphuret of zinc. — DEFIRS
blez-ar: (tr.) to lisp. Def.: Pronuncar s quale th angla o c hispana (t. e. kun la lango-pinto inter la denti); III—136. — FI
blind-a: blind, sightless; (fig.) deluded; ignorant; -o, -ulo, -ino: a b. person; -eso, -igo, -esko: blindness; -e, -atre: blindly; -igar: to cause blindness to; -esar: to be b.; -eskar: to become b.; -a entuziasmo: b. enthusiasm; -a obediemeso: implicit obedience; -o-ludo: blindman's buff. — DE
blok-o: block, lump (of wood, stone, iron, etc.); -e: in bulk, in the lump; -ala exkluzo: (sociol.) lock-out; ligna -o: wooden block; komprar, vendar -e: to buy, sell in the lump; -o-venturo: truck (for heavy loads). Def.: La toto di korpo; una amaso granda e pezoza. — DEFIRS
blokhaus-o*: (milit.) blockhouse. — DEF
blokus-ar: (tr.) to blockade (a port), to invest (a town); -eso, -stando: state of b.; des- -ar: to raise a b. of — DEFIRS
blond-a: blond, fair-colored; -acha: »peroxide blond«. — DEFIRS
blotis-ar: (intr.) to lie close to the ground, crouch, cower; (cf. squatar). Ex.: Blotisar en angulo; blotisar dop hego o pordo. — F
blu-a: blue; -o: b. (the color); -eso: blueness (quality); -ema, -atra: bluish; -ajo: something b.; -igar, -eskar, -esar: to make, become, be b.; -et-igar: to b. (linen); azur- -a: azure b.; -ciel- -a: sky-b. — DEFI
blut-ar: (tr.) to bolt, sift (flour, meal); -ilo: sifter. — F.
bluz-o: blouse (as worn by workers, painters); smock (peasant's). — DEFIRS
boa-o: (zool.) boa constrictor. — DEFIRS
boa-furo: boa: a fur comforter.
bobin-o: bobbin (for winding thread), spool; (cf. spul-ilo). — DEFRS
bodruch-o: goad-beater's skin. — F
bo-fili-ino: daughter-in-law; -ulo: son-in-law.
bo-frat-ulo: brother-in-law.
bogi-o: bogie-frame, -truck. Def.: Ensemblo di quar (o du) roti qui formacas vagoneto e surportas l'extremajo di vagono o di lokomotivo; III—136. — DeFS
boikot-ar: (tr.) to boycott. — DEFIRS
bok-o: (anat.) mouth; orifice, opening, entrance (of a utensil, implement, volcano, harbor, etc.); -edo: mouthful; -o sent-ema: a tender m.; -o-peko: m. piece (of musical instruments, etc.); -o-stop-ar: to gag; -o-stop-ilo: a gag; dopa -o: back of m.; -o-tuko: napkin; -o-bruiso: mouth noise (in eating); -o-tuko-ringo: napkin-ring; -o di fus-ilo: the m. of a gun. — FIS
bokal-o: glass-jar. Def.: Vazo cilindra o cilindratra, ek vitro, sen pedo, kun plato fundo el larja boko, uzata precipue en kemio, farmacio (e por konfituri); II—645. — DFIRS
bol-o: bowl; -edo: b. full. — DEFS
»bolero«: bolero: a Spanish dance. — DEFIRS
bolet-o: (bot.) boletus; -o manjebla: esculent b. — DEFIS
boli-ar: (intr.) to boil: be in a state of ebullition (cf. ebuliar); -igar: to boil (ulo); -o-karno: boiling-beef; -o-poto: kettle; -o-tubo: boiler-tube: -o-varma: boiling hot; ante -ar l'aquo murmuras: the water sings before boiling; -o-punto: boiling point. — EFIS
bolid-o: (astr.) bolide: brilliant meteor. — DEFIRS
bolt-o: bolt: long iron-pin; -agar: (tr.) to bolt (ulo); -ifar: to make b.s.; -izar: to put a b. on. — DER
bo-matr-o: mother-in-law.
bomb-o: bomb (-shell); -if-isto: b. maker; -espruva: b.-proof. — DEFIRS
bombard-ar: (tr., milit.) to bombard; -ilo: bombarding instrument, as a mortar (cf. obus-kanono); -o-galioto: b.-ketch. — DEFIRS
bombinator-o*: orange-speckled toad (Bombinator igneus). — FSL
bon-a: good; -e: well; -ega: exquisite, excellent; -o, -ulo, -ino: a g. person; -eso: goodness; -acha: silly, simple; -ajo: a g. thing; -igar: to make (ulu, ulo) g.; plu- -igar: to better; -eskar: to become, grow g. or better; -igo, -esko: betterment, improvement; -a stando: (state of) well-being; lo bona: The Good (abstract); maxim -a posible: as g. as possible; -anma: g. souled, g. natured, gentle; -a Deo: good God; bon-facar: (intr.) to do g., be a benefactor; (tr.) to do good to (ulu); bon-faco: benefaction, good-office, benefit, favor; bon-fac-anto, -ero: benefactor; bon-facem-eso: beneficence; bon-fac-anta, -era, -ema: beneficient, beneficial; bon-humor-a: genial, good-tempered (fig.) jolly, playful, sprightly; dicar o dezirar bon-jorno: to wish good-day, good-morning (ad ulu); bon-odor-ar: (intr.) to smell sweet or nice; bon-odor-izar: to perfume, scent; bon-semblanta: well seeming, specious; bon-ven-o, -anta, -oza: welcome; bon-viv-anto: bon-vivant, high-liver; bon-volar: (intr.) to be kindly disposed, (tr.) to wish well to (ulu); bon-volo: benevolence, good-will. Ant.: mala. — DeFIRSL
bonbon-o: bonbon: confection, sweet-meat. — DEFIRS
bonet-o: rimless cap; bonnet (for woman or child); nokto- -o: night-cap; navano- -o: sailor's cap. Def.: Kapvesto mola, senborda; IV—600. eFIS
boniment-ar: (intr.) to make a mountebank's speech, claptrap speech. Def.: Bonimento: diskurso fanfaronema, quan facas la sharlatani e feriala aktori por laudar sua vari od aktraktar la publiko. Bonimentar: facar bonimento; IV—705. — F
bonz-o: bonze: Buddhist priest. — DEFIRS
bo-parent-o: wife's or husband's relative; -eso: relationship by marriage.
bo-patr-ulo: father-in-law.
bor-ar: (tr.) to bore, pierce (with a turning instrument); -(ad)o: boring (act); -uro: bore (result); -ilo: borer, drill; -il-eto: gimlet. Def.: Truifar kun rotaco (vid. perforar); III—165. Bor-ilo esas portata e movata da drilo (vid. drilo). — DER
bor-o*: (chem.) boron. — DeFIRS
borach-o: (bot.) borage (Borago). — DeFIRS
borax-o: (chem.) borax. — DEFIRS
borborigm-o: (med.) borborygm: rumbling of water or wind in the stomach. — DeFIS
bord-o: border, margin, brink, edge, brim, (ship's) side; -izar: to edge, hem, border (ulo); -umo: trimming, edging, piping, selvedge, (of clothing); -iz-uro: (of ships) planking, sheathing; -o an -o: alongside, edge to edge; reze la bordo: full to the brim; super la -o: over the edge; -o-petro: curb stone. — DEFIRS
borde-ar: (intr., nav.) to tack (ship), beat to windward. Def.: Avanirar (navo) zigzage kontre la vento; III—72. — FIS
bore-o: (poet.) boreas, north-wind; -ala: boreal. Def.: Mitologiala nomo di la nordvento, de qua venas boreala; III—72. — DEFIRS
borgez-(ul)o: bourgeois: a member of the commercial or middle class, townsman, tradesman; -aro: bourgeoisie (collect.); -eso: (quality) bourgeois; -ala: b. (adj.); -iar: to make into a b.; -eskar: to become a b. — DEFIRS
bors-o: bourse: stock-exchange; -agento: stock-broker; -o-kurso: b. quotations, market-price; -o-krako: b. panic. — DeFIRS
bosaj-o: (arch.) bossage, boss-work. — DEFI
bosel-ar: (tr., tech.) to emboss, chase (plate, leather). Def.: Formacar reliefi en metalo per martelago (de interne); VI-382. — DeF
bosk-o: a small wood; -eto: grove, coppice, bosk; -ala, -oza: woody, bosky; -o-bat(ad)o: battue; hunt, beat; querk- -o: a wood of oaks. — DeFIS
boston-o: (card-game, dance) boston. — DEFIRS
bot-o: boot (long, as for riding); -eto: shoe; half-b. (cf. shuo); -izar: to put, pull on boots; -ifar: to make b.s; -vend-erio: b.-selling establ.; -form-iz-ilo: b. tree, -last; -des-met-ilo, bot-tir-ilo: b.jack; laco- -eto: laced shoe; laco di -o: boot-lace; paro de -i: a pair of b.s. Def.: Boto kontenas la gambo, e boteto kontenas l'infra gambo. IV-101. — EFRS
botanik-o: botany; -ala gardeno: botanical garden; -isto: botanist. — DEFIRS
botaniz-ar: (intr.) to botanize, herborize. Def.: Kolektar por la botanikal studio (ne praktikar o studiar la botaniko); III-169. — DEFIRS
botel-o: bottle; -eto: small b. (for drugs, etc.); -ego (grosa): carboy; -fak-aro: bottle-rack; (fg.) wine-bin. V. exp.: Flakono esas mikra botelo, kun stopilo generale vitra o metala. Fialo esas mem min granda, kun streta kolo (boko), quale on uzas precipue por farmacial liquidi; II-645. — DEFIRS
bov-o: a beef; bull, cow, ox; -ulo: bull, ox; -ino: cow; -yuno: calf; -yun-ino: heifer; -karno: beef, meat; -eyo, -stablo: cattle stall or stable; -gardisto, -duktisto: cowherd, drover; -ala: bovine; -o-feko: cow-dung; -o-lumbo: sirloin; laktifanta, lakto- -ino: milch-cow. — eFIS
box-ar: (tr.) to box; -anto, -ero: boxer; -isto: pugilist; -uro: boxing-blow; -o-gant-(eg)o: boxing-glove; -o-kombat-o: boxing-match. — DEFR
boy-o: (nav.) buoy; -ego: large buoy; bollard; salv- -o: life buoy. — DEFIRS
boyar-o: (title) boyar(d). — DEFIRS
brac-o: (nav.) brace of a yard; -agar: to brace (a rope of a yard). — DEFIS
bracelet-o: bracelet. — DEFIRS
brach-o: (knee-) breeches, knickerbockers (cf. pantalono); -izar: to but b. on; sen- -igar, des- -izar: to take b. off; -if-isto: b. maker; -junt-uro: flat of b. — eFIS
bradip-o: (zool.) bradypus: the sloth. — eFIS
brak-o: brach-hound; Def.: Speco di chas-hundo, rezapila e oreli pendanta. — DeFIS
braki-o: arm (anat. and fig. as a. of sea); -ala: brachial; -edo: armful; -umo: brassard, armlet (to show function or office); -o-truo: a.hole; ye -o-disto: at arm's length; kun -i inter-plektita: a. in a. — DeFIS
brakicefal-a: brachycephalous. — DEFIRS
brakiopod-o: brachiopod. — DEFIS
brakistokron-o*: (math.) brachistrochrone. — DEFI
brakte-o: (bot.) bract(ea). — DEFIS
bram-ar: (intr.) to make the characteristic call of any animal, except that of the dog, fox, cat, cock, crow, frog, hen; -(ad)o: bellowing (of a bull); lowing (of cows); braying (of an ass); bleating (of sheep); neighing (of a horse); (fig.) roaring, yelling (of a mob). Def.: vorto generala por omna krii di bestii; III-7. — FIS
braman-o: Brahman; -ismo: Brahmanism. — DEFIRS
bran-o: bran; -o-pano: b.bread. — EF
branch-o: (also geom., genal.) bough, branch (cf. ramo); -aro: boughs, branches, ramifications; -eto: twig; -oza: branchy; -ifar: to produce branches; -igar: to cause to b.; -izar: add a b. to (a gas or water-main); komerco- -o: b. of commerce; -o-fasko: bundle of fagots; -o-taliar, -tranchar, sen- -igar: to trim, prune, cut off the b.s; (cf. emundar); -o-voyo: b. way, connecting road; sen- -a: branchless. (note: for branch of knowledge fako). — DEFIR
brand-o: (fire-)brand; a piece of wood partly burnt; -o-agitar: to stir up, poke the fire. — DEFI
brandi-o: brandy. — DEF
brandis-ar: (tr.) to brandish, flourish (a sword, etc.). — EFIS
brankard-o; -i: shaft(s) (of a cart, wagon, etc.) V. exp.: Brankardo ne esas timono: veturo havas, od un timono (por du kavali) o du brankardi (por un kavalo, o tri kavali); IV-136. — F
branki-o: (zool.) branchia: gill. — EFIS
brankiopod-o: (zool.) branchiopod. — DEFIS
bras-ar: (tr.) to stir: mix up ingredients; (fig.) to concoct, contrive, polot, (schemes, plots, etc.); afer- -isto: company promoter, etc. Ex.: Brasar oro ed arjento en la kruzelo. — FIS
brav-a: brave, valiant, valorous, bold; -(ul)o: a b. person; -eso: (quality) bravery; -ajo: a b. act; -acho: swaggerer, blusterer; -e: bravely; (interj.) bravo! — DEFIRS
bravur-ario: (mus.) bravura (-air). — DEF
braz-ar: to braze: join with spelter (hard solder). V. exp.: vid. weldar. — EF
brech-o: breach, break, gap, opening (in a wall, etc.) dento-brech-oza: gap-toothed; -izar: to make a breach, gap in (ulo). — DEFIRS
brek-o: break; light wagonette. — DEFIS
brelan-o: brelan: a card game. — DFI
brem-o: (ich.) bream (Abramis Brama). — EFS
bretel-o: strap (to carry a knapsack, pack, etc.) strap, sling (for a musket, rifle); brace, suspender (to hold up trousers); -i, paro: a pair of suspenders, braces. — FI
brev-o: (pope's) brief. — DEFIRS
breviar-o: (rel.) breviary. — DEFIS
brez-o: embers, live coals; -koquar: to broil, braise (in e.); -uyo, -koquilo: broiler, braiser; -baseno: brazier, warming-pan. Def.: Ligno konvertita en karbono per komusto, sive ardoranta, sive extingita; II-708. — EFIS
brid-o: bridle (of a horse) (fig.) check, curb; -eto: snaffle-b.; -izar: to a b. on; -agar: (fig.) to check. — EFIS
brig-o: (nav.) brig; -seglo: spanker. — DEFIRS
brigad-o: (milit.) brigade; -generalo: brigadier-general. — DEFIRS
brigantin-o: (nav.) brigantine. — DEFIRS
brik-o: brick; -eto, karbon- -o: briquette, patent fuel; -ea: b. colored; -izar: to b. up; -ifar: to make b.s; -if-erio: b.-kiln, -yard; -o polisanta: bathbrick; -o-mason-isto: brickmason; -imit-uro: b. imitation; -konstruktado, -masonado: brick-laying. — DEFR
brilar: (intr.) to shine: emit or reflect light; be luminous, bright, brilliant, radiant; to glitter, glisten (cf. cin-til-ifar); -o, -eso: sheen, shining, brilliancy; -egar: to be resplendent, to glare; -anta stilo: brilliant style; Ex.: La suno, steli, oro, okuli brilas. — DEFIS
briliant-o: (gem.) brilliant, diamond. — DEFRS
brin-o: short end or bit (of a cord, rope); Def.: Parto (seciono o segmento) di kordo; V-157. — FS
brioch-o: brioche; a buttered cake or roll. — F
brisk-a: brisk, lively, sprightly. — E
briz-o: breeze (of wind); -oza: breezy. — DEFIRS
brizant-o: sunken-reef, -rock. V. exp.: Rifo salias super l'aquo, ma brizanto esas rokajo reze l'aquo, sur qua la ondi ruptesas; V — 492. — F
broch-o: brooch; -o-pinglo: breast-pin, scarf-pin; safety-pin. — DEFRS
brod-ar: (tr.) to embroider: ornament with figures, needle-work. — eFS
brokant-ar: (intr.) to deal in second-hand goods; -isto, -ero: broker: second-hand dealer. — eF
brokat-o: (fabric) brocade. — DeFIRS
brokatel-o: (fabric and min.) brocatel. — DEFIRS
brokoli-kaulo*: broccoli: a hardy variety of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea botrytis). — DeFI
brom-o: (chem.) bromine. — DEFIRS
bronki-o: (anat.) bronchus; -ala: bronchial; -i: bronchia. — DEFIRS
bronkit-o: (med.) bronchitis. — DEFIRS
bronz-o: bronze; -ea: b. colored; -izar: to bronze; -o gis-ita: cast in b. — DEFIRS
bros-ar: (tr.) to brush (the hair, etc.); -ilo: a b. — EFS
brosh-ar: (tr.) to stitch, sew (books); -uro: brochure: pamphlet stitched, with paper covers; (cf. pamfleto); -ita; stitched, in paper covers. — DEFR
brov-o: eye-brow, brow; -ala: superciliary; -oza: thick-browed; -agar, -movar, -kontraktar: to knit one's b.s to frown, flinch. — DER
bru-o: husk, shell (of nuts). Def.: Verda shelo (generale, di nuco); III—198. — F
bruet-o: wheelbarrow; -agar, -portar: to wheel in a b. — F
bruis-ar: (intr.) to make a noise: rustle, rattle, rumble, clatter, hum; -(ad)o: noise of any kind, but chiefly when loud or disagreeable; rattle, rumbling, roaring, whistling (of wind); report (of a gun); bang, slam (of a door), etc; -ego: a loud noise; crash, din, tumult, uproar; -etar: to rustle, murmur; -igar: to cause (ulo) to make a noise, to rattle. — F
brul-ar: (tr., intr.) to burn: consume with fire (wood, coal, oil); to wound or injure with fire; to scorch, parch, dry up; (fig.) to be inflamed (with passion), to be ardent; -(ad)o: burning (act); -eso: burning (taste, smell); blight; -brul-oleo: lamp oil, coal oil, kerosene; brul-spegulo: burning glass; -ajo: a burnt object; -ita: burnt; -uro, -vund-uro: a burn; -ebla: combustible, inflammable; -odoro: smell of burning; Ex.: La Romani brulis Carthage. La suno brulas la planti. V. exp.:Brular esas la vulgara, kombustar esas la ciencala vorto. On uzas brular ne nur por kombusti videbla, kun flamo, ma anke por la vundi facita da bolianta aquo. Altraparte, on uzas kombustar por omna oxidigo, mem nerapida e nevidebla: ex: la respirado esas kombusto; explozo esas anke kombusto. Nur la vulgara vorta uzesas metafore; on dicas »Me kordio brulas de amo.« On povas dicar, ke ulo kombustar sen brular, se ol nek flamifas nek ardoras (t.e. divenas fairoreda); IV—101. — F
brun-a: brown; dusky, swarthy (complexioned), dark (haired); -ino: a dark (dark-haired, dark-complexioned) woman; -et-ino: brunette; -atra: brownish; -igar: to make b., darken; (fig.) to sunburn; -reda: red-brown, baycolored; -or-a, -ea: golden b.; -eskar: to turn b. — DEFIR
brunis-ar: (tr., tech.) to burnish (brass, gold, etc.). Def.: Procedo por polisar metali; III—72. — DeFIS
brusk-a: brusque: gruff, abrupt, blunt (in address or manners); -a departo: abrupt departure; -a repliko: a gruff reply; -eso: abruptness, rudeness; -ajo: offensive language, act or manner. — DEFIS
brut-o: brute (animal; fig. of man); -ala: brutal; -al-eso: brutality (cf. besti-al-eso); -al-ajo: an act of brutality; -igar: to brutalize; -eskar: to become brutalized; -atra, -ema: brutish; -ig-anta: brutalizing; -ale traktar: to treat (ulu) brutally. — EFIS
bub-(ul)o: a street Arab, gamin; -ino: gypsy-like girl; hoyden; -acho: young scamp, blackguard. Def.: Mizeroza o malicoza puero vaganta en la stradi; IV-101. — D
bubal-o: (zool.) bubalis: African antelope (Bubalis —). — EFIRS
bubon-o: (med.) bubo; -ala,-oza pesto: bubonic plague. — DEFIRS
buch-ar: (tr.) to butcher, slaughter (animals); -erio: abattoir. — EF
bud-ar: (intr.) to be sulky, sullen, look sour (cf. facar muzelo); -(ad)o: sulking; -era, -ero, -ema, -emo: sulky (person). Def.: Manifestar nekontenteso, mala humoro per silenco, agado, expreso di la fizionomio. Ex.: La puero budas, nam ilua patrino ne permisas ke il ludas. — F
budjet-o: (fin.) budget. — DEFR
buduar-o: boudoir: lady's private room. — DEFR
buf-ar: (intr.) to swell, puff out; to distend (as cheeks by blowing); to stand out (as stout silks, starched muslin, etc.); -igar: to cause to puff, swell out; stofo buf-anta: stuff that stands out well (does not cling to the figure). — DF
bufal-o: (zool.) buffalo; -ledro: b. leather, hide. — DEFIS
bufet-o: buffet: refreshment foom (at balls, R.R. stations, etc.). — DEFR
bufon-o: buffoon, jester, clown, merry-andrew; -ala, -atra: buffoonlike, facetious; -aji: buffoonery; -esar: to be a b.; (fig.) to be jocose; -opera: opera bouffe; -kant-isto: comic singer; facar -aji: to play the b.; make jests. — DEFRS
bufr-o: buffer (as on R.R.). — DER
bugl-o: key-bugle. Def.: Trumpeto kun klavi. — DEFS
bugran-o: buckram. Def.: Tolo forta e rigida (gumizita); III-73. — eFIS
buh-o*: great-owl, eagle-owl (Bubo maximus); (cf. IV-296).
buji-o: candle (made from wax, etc.); (surg.) bougie. — DeFS
buket-o: bouquet, nosegay; -uyo, -vaso: b.holder. — DEFR
bukl-o: buckle (of girdle, shoe, etc.); -o-pinto: tongue of b.; -agar: to b. — EFIRS
bukolik-o: bucolic (poem). — DEFIS
bul-o: ball (as for play in billiards, basseball, etc.); -eto: small ball, marble pellet (not E. bullet, vid. kuglo); -o-ludo: ball play; aero-bul(et)o: air-bubble; niv- -o: snowball. B. exp.: vid. balono. — EFS
bul-letro: (papal) bull. bulb-o: (bot. anat.) bulb; -oza, -atra: bulbous. — EFIS
buldog-o: bulldog. — DEF
buletin-o: bulletin. Def.: Mikra jurnalo, revuo, o periodala raporto; III-199. — DEFIS
bulimi-o: (med.) boulimia. Def.: Nenaturala, nesaturebla apetito. — EFIS
bulin-o: (nav.) bowline. Def.: Kordo qua tensas la seglo per l'infra angulo; VI-530. — DEF
bulion-o: broth, bouillon (clear beef soup). — DEFRS
bulvard-o: boulevard. — DEFIR
bumerang-o*: boomerang. — DEFIRS
bunt-a: many-colored; motley, streaked, checkered, piebald, dappled; -igar, -izar: to varigate (with colors), to streak (with many colors). — D
bur-o: short-hair or other materials used in stuffing saddle-pads, making mortar, etc.; wad, wadding (for guns); -izar: to wad, tamp, pad, stuff; -iz-ilo: tamping-bar; ramrod. Def.: Amaso de pili, sive di animali, sive di ula lana o silka stolo; to quon on pozas sur la kargajo di la pafili; III-8. — FIS
burask-o: (nav.) squall; (fig.) outburst of passion. Def.: To ne esas ventego, nek tempesto, ma subita e neduranta ventobato; III-8. — FIS
burbilion-o: core (of boil or abcess). — F
burdon-o: humble-, bumble-bee. (Bombus) — F
burel-o: frieze, baize: a coarse woollen fabric. — FIS
buret-o: (tech.) burette: graduated measuring glass. — DEFS
burgo: borough, market-town. — eFS
burgrav-o: (title) burgrave. — DEFIS
burjon-o: burgeon, bud; -oza: budded, full of buds; -ifar: to bud. — eF
burlesk-a: burlesque; ludicrous; -ajo, la -a: a b. — DEFIS
burnus-o: bernouse, Arab cloak. — DEFR
burokrat-(ul)o: bureaucrat; -ala: bureaucraatic; -aro, -ismo: bureaucracy; (fig.) -ach-ismo: red-tapism. — DEFIS
burs-o: purse, wallet, pocket-book; -o-furt-isto, -ero: cut-purse, pick-picket. Def.: Saketo por portar moneti en la posho; IV-690. — DeFIS
bus-o: (bot.) box(-wood) tree (genus Buxus); -ligna, -o: box-wood. — DeFIRS
bush-o: thicket, spinney (cf. arbusto); -eyo, -agro, -bosko, -lando: bush-land. — DEFI
bushel-o: bushel. — EFR
busk-o: busk: corset stays. — eF
busol-o: (mariner's) compass; -buxo: binnacle. — DFI
busprit-o: bowsprit. — DEFIRS
bust-o: bust: head and shoulders of body, or as represented in sculpture and painting. — DEFIRS
bustrofedon-o: boustrophedon; an ancient mode of writing. — DEF
but-ar: (intr.) to stumble, butt, knock, run, strike (sur, kontre ulo); -ilo, -bufro: buffer: anything so placed as to act as a stop; -stono, -ig-ilo: stumbling-block; -juntar, -pozar: to butt-joint; adjust two boards side by side or end for end so as not to overlap (opp. to clinker-build); (cf. klinar and IV-354); kapo-, pedo- -ar: to strike with the head or foot (cf. mis-pazar). Ex.: Ca kavalo butas ye singla pazo. — eF
butik-o: (Eng.) shop; (U.S.) store; -isto: tradesman, shopkeeper; -serv-isto: shop-boy, -assistant; -komizo: (shop-) clerk. — FI
butono-o: button (of a garment); -agar: to b.; -izar: to fasten b. on; -ifar: to make b.s; -truo: b.hole; -tir-ilo: b. hook; kolumo- -o: collar-stud; paramento- -o: cuff-link. — EFIS
butor-o: (orni.) bittern (genus Botaurus). — F
butr-o: butter; -ifar: to b. (ulo); -if-eyo: b. dairy; -uyo: b. dish, b. holder; -if-ilo: churn; -o-lakto: b. milk; -iz-ita pano: (a slice of bread and b.). — DEFIR
buvrel-o: (orni.) bullfinch (Pyrrhula vulgaris, P. rubicilla). — F
bux-o: box; letro- -o: letter-b.; -o-kovrilo: b. cover. — DE
buzard-o*: buzzard (genus: Buteo vulgaris). — DEFS